Volume 55, Issue 1 p. 1-10

Nanoemulsion as advanced edible coatings to preserve the quality of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables: a review

S. M. Kamrul Hasan

Corresponding Author

S. M. Kamrul Hasan

Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Piazza Università 5, 39100 Bolzano, Italy

Department of Food Processing and Preservation, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur, 5200 Bangladesh

Correspondent: E-mail: [email protected]Search for more papers by this author
Giovanna Ferrentino

Giovanna Ferrentino

Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Piazza Università 5, 39100 Bolzano, Italy

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Matteo Scampicchio

Matteo Scampicchio

Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Piazza Università 5, 39100 Bolzano, Italy

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First published: 03 July 2019
Citations: 71


The increasing consumer's demand regarding the healthy diet has promoted the research towards novel approaches for preserving minimally processed fruits and vegetables without the necessity of using preservatives. Emulsion-based edible coatings technology is considered a valuable alternative to improve fresh-cut fruit and vegetable quality. This review discusses some recent advances for the preservation of the quality and safety of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables with respect to the use of nanoemulsion-based edible coatings as carrier of functional compounds such as antimicrobial agents, antioxidants and texture enhancers. It focuses especially on the use of natural functional compounds in food preservation as an alternative to synthetic additives. Moreover, the preparation and characterisation of nanoemulsion are also reviewed.